Empowering early-stage startups from the UK and India, with a strategic focus on the UK market.

21 Businesses you can start with just 1 Lakh in India

If entrepreneurship and self-employment have been your financial dreams, then a hobby or a passion can be converted into an advancing business venture, provided that you have the correct and accurate business funding and acumen.

If entrepreneurship and self-employment have been your financial dreams, then a hobby or a passion can be converted into an advancing business venture, provided that you have the correct and accurate business funding and acumen.

However, finance is one huge deterrent for the majority of the aspirant entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, you need not worry because not every model of business requires startup investment to be in crores.

There exist many business models that can be commenced with low investment, i.e. a seed capital of Rs. 1 Lakh in India.

The aspiring entrepreneur can commence the business model with minimum infrastructure; the business can be started even from home.

Bootstrapping your capitalist period can turn out to be highly rewarding because your seed capital can come from your own savings or from your relatives and friends.

This will spare you the horror of getting a loan for business from the banks and other financial institutes, whose interest charges are skyrocketing.

It is essential to consider every idea that you can get in order to commence the business that will help you get a great return on investment. Below mentioned are the ideas that are guaranteed to work the best for you:

Online store
One of the common and highly observed businesses that one encounters on the virtual platform is the online stores like Amazon, Flipkart, eBay, and many more and to be the part of them and start something that grows to be bigger than the mentioned sites will only require you to have a domain name, web hosting account and your undivided attention.

In the beginning it may seem like a lot of work but the benefits that site will witness in the long run will make all the efforts and contact worth the efforts put in and the devotion. The investment will be your knowledge and contacts with the sellers.

Social media assistance service
Social media in today’s time is the most important marketing campaign for both big as well small-scale enterprises. This business is an extension to another company’s social networks. In this business, all you will have to do is manage the social links and platforms of the business enterprises outsourcing their social networks to you to monitor the performance.

This business will provide you a direct line of communication with the current and prospective means of marketing as well as customers. The outsourcing business enterprises will appreciate your work and efforts if you come up with new and innovative means of boosting the image of the company on the social platforms.

HR & Recruiting service
It has been observed the business enterprises functioning on the small scale are not able to set up another department for HR and recruiting of the potential candidates.

The small scale businesses are also not able to afford to hire the recruitment firms; therefore, if you have the skill and the ability to track down the right and appropriate candidates for a certain job then you help bridge the gap between the efficient recruitment and the business companies.

The investment in this job is a good connection with the recruiting websites so as to view the curriculum vitae’s of the candidates and a cell phone or landline to easily contact the candidates.

Translation services
The advance in the globalization of both the big and small businesses has increased the demand for translation services. This business also is an amazing and effective tool in discarding the language barrier that complicates the working relationship between the companies and the clients.

Translation is one of the emerging industries in the business world and the person who knows any language that will come in handy for the business operations will never find him or herself without job opportunities.

All you need is the fluency in the language and the proficiency in English is a must to have a common tongue that explains any other language.

Boardroom facilities
This is one of the most interesting ideas in the small investment business startup. There is nothing more to investment than the money because if you have a spare room for which you have no room then that is all you need to start this chain of business.

There are many uses that the spare space can amount to like renting it to the different companies for board meetings, official parties, and presentations of formal kinds.

There are many firms who despite being successful require a formal setting to invite the business officials and have a communication without worrying about the small things as to who is serving the drinks or taking care of the laptops on the tables and much more.

Medical tourism services
Now it’s a no surprise to acknowledge the fact that India is one of the best countries in providing medical amenities to those in need. This service of India has made foreigners turn towards India for medical assistance and with you starting this business will contribute a major helping hand in assisting the patients in India and also from around the world.

For this business to work you need a 24/7 equipped with medicine mobile vehicle which can reach the customers in the hours of need. A good contact with the medical pharmacies and hospitals will go a long way in the future.

Dietary consultation services
The trend in today’s time is being fit with proper diet and people are willing to pay a large sum of money for advice and dietary plans. The situation in America, i.e. of the huge weights of the people was described as a plague and no one wants to face that scenario in India.

Therefore, the vital investment that you need in this line of work is educating yourself as a dietician whose plans and tips on eating and exercise will only be advantageous for the patients. This will be your source of contributing towards a better and healthy lifestyle of the population of India.

Used car dealership
This business does not require any heavy capital investment which makes it the perfect business to start with the minimum investment. You only need to have a place or maybe not even that to get used cars from the dealers and sell them to

the customers who seek second-hand cars or used cars to purchase and use. You are not really a mediator between the dealers and the customers. It is because the used cars are yours to sell and the customers only have to contact you without any permission from the dealers. The commission that you will get for selling the used cars for the dealers will be your extra income.

Mobile garage service
This type of business suits the engineers and the trained mechanics. It is not a fact and not at all true that a mechanic will magically appear whenever a car breaks down. That is where this business of mobile garage service comes into play.

You do not have to have a recreational vehicle or any type of truck to work function this service. A bike and assistant technicians with the right equipment of repair is all that you need to ensure that customers in need of car assistance or any motor vehicle assistance can get your help wherever and whenever possible.

Driving school
Driving has now turn into a necessity for every individual because you need the driving skills to commute to school, work or for travel purposes.

Driving is a lesson that everyone should learn at one point. The investment too in this service is not much because to teach the people the value of being able to close the distance between their starting point and the destination requires only a valid license from your side and the used cars which will help the candidates learn the skills.

These businesses are one of the most expanding businesses in the industry so if you think driving cannot make you any money then think again.

Hobby classes
Hobby classes are now a real deal in the business industry because everyone wants to take a break from the fast moving life and do something that they truly like. For instance, painting, singing, cooking, playing musical instruments, dancing, skating, and there is no end to this list.

The only thing that prevents people from actually implying action to their hobbies is the absence of the right platform and you with this business idea can help them find their space.

You just need a room or two or just a playground for that matter to encourage them to do what they really want.

Party planning services
The pressure of hosting a party is too much itself and the hosts are always in dire need of someone who can share the burden or take it all away from their hand. You just need to be creative and innovative in your approach to decorate the venue of the party.

Party planning includes everything from catering to setting the right stage for the guests to have fun. The party planning also can be wedding planning and you do not need much investment in the monetary terms but good contacts will be a requirement so as to get the work done as easily and soon as possible.

Childproofing services
You must have witnessed in many western series and movies the needs of the parents to childproof the apartments, well the concept though fresh in India is not that weird to hear.

It is because the parents being the breadwinners of the family are getting busier day by day even hour by hour and are not always around to keep an eye on their little ones. Therefore, you can be the one to provide them assurance on the security of their children by childproofing the house or the apartment.

All you require are the skills of the mechanics and the products which will help you do the task effectively and efficiently.

Nanny services
This is not the first time that you will hear of the nanny services because there are many agencies already in existence, which provide the services of a person to take care of the children at home when their parents leave for work, trips or for date nights and parties.

Childproofing services are similar to the nanny services in the view of childproofing the children in the shape of an actual physical form. The people who are excellent with children are the actual investment that you need to run this business smoothly and fairly for a long period of time.

Sport coaching
Games are the part of everyday life and what turns them into something professional and concrete are the sports coaches who can convert games into sports.

The right sports equipment and the ground or the indoor space to practice the sport is the total investment that is expected in the commencement of the sports coaching business. People and mostly students are becoming immensely interested in the sports which are the backup that you need to know this business of sports coaching will never go obsolete or cold in any form.

Discipline and the rules of the sports should be your chief knowledge and skills.

Courier services
This one of the traditional business ideas for as long as can anyone remember, transmitting goods as well as letters from one place to another has been going since the ancient times.

Your courier person or the assistants monitoring the requests and orders of the clients need to be highly efficient and true to their job so that the couriered products reach the delivery address on time without any damage to the things in the package.

Your rates of courier services must be competitive and the service needs to be flawless because in a country like India sending letters and gifts to one another via courier will never go out of style.

Carpooling services
It is due to pollution that the young generations are suffering from breathing problems and many skin diseases; you can put a stop to all of that by starting your very own carpool services which are similar to that of the facilities provided by cabs and taxis with one exception and that is instead of one person in the car there will be more who are going to the same or in the route destinations.

This service will be your contribution to making the cities of India clean and green which have been the mottos of every country in the world since forever.

Rainwater harvesting
This service is one of the most demanded services in the industry because the population can use every drop of water that it can get and harvesting the raindrops for re-use on the site is one of the best as well as the eco-friendly activity that one can do for the planet.

The systems of the rainwater harvesting are very easy to install and does not require much investment. The skills of installation and the knowledge to recommend the proper systems to the clients is all you require as inner qualities and the business will flourish to new heights in no time.

If beautifying the people and tidying them up is all that you wish you could do all day then opening a salon is what you must reach for because there is hardly any major investment.

Your DIY ideas and products will impress the clients and they will choose you every time even when they have to get their nails shaped. Pedicure and manicure are the highly demanded services and the customers always appreciate a good massage and facials.

The testimonials from the customers will be your ladder to opening different stalls at various locations. You need basic products at the beginning which are not going to cost more than the couple of thousand bucks.

Writing services
One of the rapidly emerging businesses right now in the industry is that of blogging and content writing. There are always writers and reputed writing firm required by various websites and different companies who can draft articles, press release or content of any kind of high quality and legitimacy for them.

A computer or laptop or even a smartphone and a good internet connection are all you need to commence the business of writing for a living.

The remarks from the clients and their recommendations regarding your business to other website owners will be the sign of the progress and the key to the expansion of your business.

Coaching centers
What good is knowledge if you cannot impart it to others? Make a good difference and have a positive impact on the lives of many students who are struggling to cope with their academic pressures and requirements.

At first, you can start this coaching business at your own house and slowly make your way to getting an actual place for teaching the students.

Academic knowledge and tricks to score well in the examinations or tests are the real investment that you will have to make in this business startup. Your income along with money will be the achievements made by the students in their respective fields.

The mentioned business ideas have always worked for the people who do not shy away from turning their knowledge and passions into real business just because of the money.

The list is bound to alter the way you think about investments and businesses and will also push you forward to test your own idea that you want to make money out of because no idea is too small to make into an actual living good or service.

So, if it was money that was being the barrier in between your passion and dreams then it’s time to rethink your decisions and take a step towards doing something real.

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At Bizztor, we are dedicated to empowering early-stage startups in the UK, with a special focus on students and professionals entering the world of entrepreneurship.

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